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EuroLegalJobs lists hundreds of jobs in the fields of Human Rights Law, Disputes and Litigation, Company Law, EU Law, Data Protection, and many more.
EuroLegalJobs brings together these jobs to provide our users with a centralized site for highly skilled experienced professionals looking for international legal job opportunities in Europe.
Through years of marketing and networking at industry-relevant events, EuroLegalJobs has built up a niche audience of highly qualified candidates.
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What our Clients Say
“We are very pleased with the services Eurobrussels provides. Our vacancies are uploaded quickly to your website, resulting in many high quality applications; we know that is the place to be for job seekers in Brussels. The statistics you provide about visits of our job advertisements are also very useful.”
- Chiara Martinelli, Assistant to the Secretary General, CIDSE
“Recruiting for a Paralegal profile for our Brussels team, we have really been impressed by the number of applications that we received through EuroBrussels. The combination of one job ad on both EuroBrussels and BrusselsLegal really proves it works. We will use EuroBrussels' services again for sure.”
- Office Manager, US Law Firm, Brussels office
“I would like to thank you for your kind and instructive email. Your statistics are very helpful. I am very pleased to inform you about the fact that we received lots of interesting job applicants for the position of Volljuristin/Volljuristen als Europarefere-tin/Europareferenten and that we are very happy with your services as well as the clearly laid-out website. At last we would like to thank you for your support. We remain of the conviction that we will use your services in the future.”
- Elena Iuga, Deutscher Anwaltverein - German Bar Association
“We are always happy with the response generated by Eurobrussels, this is why we are such faithful customers ! Actually, we usually receive about 160 answers within 10 days to every one of our ads! And your statistics are extremely interesting.”
- Geneviève LECOT, Office Manager Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe